Using astrological program "STAR WAY" you will get the following: Calculation and creation of your natal chart by professional astrologers with over 25 years of experience, with the ability to analyze astrological symbolism; Personal horoscope based on the natal chart, taking into account the transit and progression analysis techniques; Detailed list of the effects for the entire forecast period, from the duration of 1 day to 1 year; Author interpretation of the horoscopes issued by the Institute of Practical Astrology, according to a specified horoscope aspect; Calculation of the most important priority effects and time intervals with the greatest impact on the daily events, with the precision of a few minutes; Selection of the topic of the horoscope (business, finance, love life, health horoscope, horoscope for drivers, compatibility horoscope). Every time you buy a horoscope you automatically invest in your business. Our company enables you to earn more than € 300 000 with minimal investment.